

TOEFL勉強 メモ④(考古学 Archaeology)

Toefl Test英単語スピードマスターP198

"Missing link" is a term for an intermediate variety of life found in fossil evidence that connects prior species to a recent one, or which links two diverse species to a common ancestor.



In the final half of the 19th century, a widespread misrepresentation of Charles Darwin's research was that humans had descended directly from existing species of apes by yet unknown "missing link".


Although Homo sapiens ( modern humans ) share obvious external, genetic, and historic bonds to apes such as gorillas, gibbons, orangutans and chimpanzees, there has never been a discovery of a "missing link".

On the contrary, fossil documentation suggests that current humans have developed from a classification of hominid quite seqarately from modern ape species.




Toefl 英単語 考古学 エックスタイピング | ~英単語 記憶するための英語タイピング~


 1 archaeology [名]考古学
2 intermediate [名]中間物、介在物、仲介者、媒介者
3 variety [名]変化、多様性、種類、品種
4 fossil [名]化石
5 evidence [名]証拠、痕跡
6 date [動]年代を定める、時期を算定する
7 unravel [名]解明する
8 burial [名]埋葬
9 corpse [名]死体
10 coffin [名]棺
11 excavate [動]発掘する
12 unearth [動]発掘する
13 the Stone Age 石器時代
14 food-gathering [名]食物収穫
15 sow [動](種を)まく
16 till [動]耕す
17 weave [動]織る
18 hieroglyphics [名]象形文字
19 pictograph [名]絵文字、象形文字
20 mummy [名]ミイラ
21 Valley of the kings 王家の谷
22 tomb of the king Tutankhamen ツタンカーメン王の墓
23 species [名](生物学分類上の)種
24 descend [動]下りる、降りる、(子孫に)伝わる
25 ape [名]類人猿、サル
26 modern humans [名]現代人、現生人類
27 genetic [形]遺伝の、遺伝子の
28 classification [名]分類、区分
29 hominid [名]ヒト化の動物、原人
30 Home sapiens ホモ・サピエンス、人類
31 Caucasoid [名]コーカソイド(白色人種)
32 prior [形](時間・順序が)前の
33 diverse [形]さまざまな、多様性のある
34 widespread [形]広範囲に及ぶ、広く行き渡った
35 misrepresentation [名]偽りの陳述、不当表示、誤伝、虚説
36 share [動]分ける、分かち合う、共有する
37 obvious [形]明らかな
38 external [形]外の、外側の、外部の
39 internal [形]内部の
40 contrary [名]正反対
41 documentation [名]文書、証拠書類・資料の活用、文書調査