


TOEFL勉強 メモ⑤(建築 Architecture)

Toefl Test英単語スピードマスターP201 The development of American architecture spans a period of practically five centuries, commencing with the English establishing settlements along the Atlantic Coast and Spanish colonies in southwestern …

TOEFL勉強 メモ④(考古学 Archaeology)

Toefl Test英単語スピードマスターP198 "Missing link" is a term for an intermediate variety of life found in fossil evidence that connects prior species to a recent one, or which links two diverse species to a common ancestor. 「ミッシング・…

TOEFL勉強 メモ③(人類学 Anthropology)

Toefl Test英単語スピードマスターP195 Marriage is most commonly given the description of a union between two individuals of opposite gender. The standard roles and tasks of the husband and wife are comprised of living together, sharing econ…

TOEFL勉強 メモ②(米国史 American History)

Toefl Test英単語スピードマスターP190 The American Civil Rights Act of 1964( prohibiting race-based discrimination ) was a revolutionary occurrence in American history, but the path to its legislation was both extensive and costly. 1964年の…

TOEFL勉強 メモ ① (動物学 Zoology)

Toefl Test英単語スピードマスターP186 受動態の分詞構文「Being+過去分詞」 ちょっと文法で気になった点があったので調べてみた。しばらく勉強していないと忘れる。そういえばそんなのあったな~といった感じ。 受動態の分詞構文「being+過去分詞」ってやつ…